What We Look For


Have you played basketball since you were six? Do you participate in a cultural tradition with your family? Do you volunteer at your local boys and girls club or make music with your friends on the weekends? We want to see your passions and how you’ve pursued them over the years!


Every student has to overcome obstacles. What are yours? How have you pushed past them?

Motivation and work ethic

Applying to college is a wonderful process, but it’s also hard work! Better Angels scholars are ready to put in the time and effort it takes to meet deadlines and honor their commitments to their futures.

Strong academics or a positive trajectory

We want to see that you’ve challenged yourself in the classroom and have done your best to meet those challenges. For those who struggled with school for a few years, we want to see a positive trajectory in your grades. For example, you worked hard to turn that C+ you got in Algebra 1 during your freshman year into a B+ in Geometry during your sophomore year!

Financial need

Having a shot at your dream school shouldn’t depend on your family’s financial situation. We’re here to help.


We are currently accepting applications from sophomores in the Los Angeles area. We can’t wait to meet you! Rising juniors may apply at any time, though we strongly encourage you to apply as early as possible.

We have completed our selection process for our Scholar Program for rising seniors this year. Deadlines for our Scholars Program is May 1 by 9:00am PT.

*IMPORTANT: If you have accepted a spot in any of the following programs, you are NOT eligible to participate in Better Angels and should NOT fill out this application: QuestBridge, LEDA, One Voice, College Match, or MOSTE

  • Example: mom (40), step-dad (45), brother (12), half-brother (19), grandpa (70)
  • Example: Brother: Julio Mendoza, 12, John Adams Middle School; Half-Brother: Juan Ferrera, 19, Cal State LA
  • Answer yes if neither of your parent(s)/legal guardian(s) graduated from a four-year college.
  • Demonstrate Financial Need

    The following information will help us determine whether you qualify for our program and will assist us as we help you navigate the financial aid process.

  • High School Transcript

    Please upload your up-to-date, unofficial high school transcript. Mobile users, you may forward your transcript to info@bebetterangels.org

  • College Transcript

    If you have taken any college courses during high school, please upload your up-to-date, unofficial college transcript. Mobile users, you may forward your transcript to info@bebetterangels.org

  • Standardized Test Scores

    Please upload a screen shot of your up-to-date test scores (PSAT, PLAN, SAT, ACT, SAT 2 Subject Tests). Please include all section scores. Mobile users, you may forward your test scores to info@bebetterangels.org

  • Activities

    Please list activities in which you have been or are currently involved. Tell us how long you’ve been involved with each activity and what role you have played. The more details, the better!

    For example:
    • J.V. Basketball: captain, forward (grades 8-10)
    • Babysitter: for 3 families in my neighborhood (grades 7-10)
    • Family caretaker: watch my 2 siblings every day after school and on weekends; care for grandmother every week (grade 7-present)
    • High School Academic Team: first underclassman to make team since 2007 (grade 10)
    • DJ for local events: have done 3 birthday parties (just started in January)

  • Examples: College Bound Today, Gear Up, etc.
  • Interests

    Please list 1. college majors, 2. careers, 3. future goals.

  • Work History

    If you have or have had a job, please list it here, and include salary, dates, duties, hours, etc.

    For example:
    • Starbucks: Barista, $13/hour, Sept. 2015 - Jun. 2016, 20 hours/week

  • Summer Plans

    Please list any confirmed or potential summer plans. For example, please tell us if you have a weekly commitment at a job, if you'll be enrolled in a summer program/taking a summer class, or if you'll be out of town. Make sure to include the dates/days (ex: July 12-20, or Monday & Wednesdays) and times (ex: 10am-3pm) if you know them.

  • Awards/Honors Received

    Please list any awards or honors you have received in high school.

    For example:
    • Most Improved Player, JV basketball (grade 9)
    • Honor Roll, (grades 9 and 10)
  • Your Story

    Tell us your story. Who are you? What makes you different from your peers? What are your dreams? Include your family background and place special emphasis on obstacles you have overcome or are currently overcoming. (300-500 words. Do not let anyone proofread or edit your essay.)

    *Please type and save your essay in Microsoft Word/Notepad/etc. first. Then, paste it into this textbox to avoid losing your work in the event of a technical malfunction.

Better Angels is a 501(c)(3)

Questions? Email us at info@bebetterangels.org

© 2015 Better Angels

Made with ♥ in Los Angeles, CA