Have you played basketball since you were six? Do you participate in a cultural tradition with your family? Do you volunteer at your local boys and girls club or make music with your friends on the weekends? We want to see your passions and how you’ve pursued them over the years!
Every student has to overcome obstacles. What are yours? How have you pushed past them?
Motivation and work ethic
Applying to college is a wonderful process, but it’s also hard work! Better Angels scholars are ready to put in the time and effort it takes to meet deadlines and honor their commitments to their futures.
Strong academics or a positive trajectory
We want to see that you’ve challenged yourself in the classroom and have done your best to meet those challenges. For those who struggled with school for a few years, we want to see a positive trajectory in your grades. For example, you worked hard to turn that C+ you got in Algebra 1 during your freshman year into a B+ in Geometry during your sophomore year!
Financial need
Having a shot at your dream school shouldn’t depend on your family’s financial situation. We’re here to help.
We are currently accepting applications from sophomores in the Los Angeles area. We can’t wait to meet you! Rising juniors may apply at any time, though we strongly encourage you to apply as early as possible.
We have completed our selection process for our Scholar Program for rising seniors this year. Deadlines for our Scholars Program is May 1 by 9:00am PT.
*IMPORTANT: If you have accepted a spot in any of the following programs, you are NOT eligible to participate in Better Angels and should NOT fill out this application: QuestBridge, LEDA, One Voice, College Match, or MOSTE
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